Terre des Femmes

My Heart belongs to Me

Visual Storytelling

For TERRE DES FEMMES – Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V. I was asked to create this animated explainer about #forcedmarriage.

In Germany, adolescents and young adults in particular are still being married against their will! The campaign “My heart belongs to me!” aims to raise awareness of early marriages and forced marriages among the target group of 14-21 year olds.

I enjoyed drawing and animating the film for teenagers – snappy cuts and a lively little cartoon heart as a personalized inner voice that knows what’s good for you!

Thanks to Myria Böhmecke, @Susi Hartmaier and Christa Stolle for the great collaboration! 🖤

In order to reach the target group of parents on the topic of forced marriage, the brochure “Strong Families Have Strong Daughters” was also developed in 8 languages as part of the project funded by Aktion Mensch. This can be ordered or downloaded free of charge here.

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